Friday, July 13, 2012

Why Learn Spanish

Why Learn Spanish?

So why should you learn Spanish? Speaking Spanish can impress your friends and colleagues with your ability to speak another language. You'll challenge your mind, enhance your resume and keep yourself entertained for years to come. Spanish is similar in nature to English, it is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn.

If you have considered traveling to exotic places such as Spain or somewhere in Latin America, it is in your best interest to learn to speak the native language. This will make it easier for you to communicate with the people in these places, such as food servers, cab drivers and other people you may encounter on your vacation.

If you choose to learn Spanish, you will be bilingual. Being bilingual will open more doors when you are choosing a career path. It will also make you more marketable when searching for a new job.

Some research suggests that choosing to learn Spanish or another second language will reduce your chances of developing medical issues later in life that affect the brain. Those people who speak two languages are less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This could be because of the increase in memory power that you use when learning a second language.

 Learning Spanish will increase your critical thinking skills. Because you will be training your brain to naturally interpret English words into Spanish words, you will automatically be creating stronger critical thinking skills.

                                      Learn Spanish online with Rocket Spanish

Deciding to learn Spanish can allow you to increase your circle of friends. The more languages you know and are able to speak fluently, the more people you will be able to engage in conversation with. You never know, you could find your best friend, all because you decided to learn Spanish!

Making the decision to learn Spanish will allow you to enjoy a wider variety of entertainment. You will have the ability to watch a movie in Spanish without having to read the subtitles. You will have the opportunity to watch all of your cable or satellite channels and understand what is being said. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy a wider variety of music.
                    Try a Free Course and learn some basic Spanish today
 Learning Spanish will grant you with the opportunity to keep up with the Spanish culture. It will allow you to keep up on the latest news and current events happening in Spanish-speaking countries.

 Because Spanish is similar in nature to English, it is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn.

If you have chosen to learn Spanish, you will be able to help other people. Suppose you were at a sporting event where someone was hurt, but the person did not speak English, only Spanish. You would have the ability to help this person get the proper help they needed for their injuries.

 Learning Spanish can be a fun experience. You will now have the option to learn twice as much information as you could by only speaking one language.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Best Way to Learn Japanese

Best Way to Learn Japanese

Many people around the world have experienced that learning Japanese can be easy and enjoyable with the right software course.

Whether you want to learn Japanese for a career opportunity, vacation, or simply to expand your cultural experiences, do yourself the favor by selecting  this easy to learn Japanese language software  as I believe it is the best way to learn Japanese.

Here are some of the basic terms I have learnt from the free 6 day mini course in learning Japanese. 

Thankyou, Hello and Goodbye in Japanese

Thank you. 

どうもありがとう。 Dōmo arigatō. (doh-moh ah-ree-GAH-toh)


こんにちは。 Konnichiwa. (kon-nee-chee-WAH)

Goodbye. (long-term) 

さようなら。 Sayōnara. (sa-YOH-nah-rah)

Goodbye. (informal

それでは。 Sore dewa. (SOH-reh deh-wah)

I Love You

Ai shi teru
Learn to speak Japanese easily with Rocket Japanese

Brazilian Portuguese Phrases

Portuguese in Brazil is a romantic language, so it is important to learn how to sat a few important Brazilian Portuguese phrases.

"I love you " in Brazilian Portuguese.

''Eu te amo'' (EH - oo TEE AH- moo)
or simply
''Te amo'' (TEE AH-moo)

 'eu' means 'I'; 'amo' 'love'; and 'voce' 'you'

                               Learn to speak Portuguese easily with Rocket Portuguese

Do you want a high quality Portuguese course that you can learn in your own time, but before you spend your money, try the 6 part mini series for free?


Rocket Portuguese is designed to be effective no matter what your learning level or style is. This course increases your confidence, motivation and learning.

Learn to Speak, Read and Understand and converse in Brazilian Portuguese confidently for a very reasonable price.

Sign up to get your FREE Brazilian Portuguese lessons and learn Portuguese even in a few months.

Bom dia. Good morning.
Boa tarde. Good afternoon.
Boa noite. Good evening.
Oi. Como vai? Hi. How are you?
Olá, tudo bem? Hello, how are you?
Como vai, tudo Bem? How are you doing?
Aonde você vai? Where are you going?
Qual é o seu nome? What’s your name?
Você tem apelido? Do you have a nickname?
Pode me chamar de Bob. You can call me Bob.
Qual é o seu sobrenome? What’s your last name?
Como se soletra? How do you spell?
Vou te apresentar uns amigos... Let me introduce you to some friends...
Essa é minha namorada. This is my girlfriend.
Você sabe o nome dela? Do you know her name?
Prazer em conhecê-la! Nice to meet you!
O prazer é meu! Nice to meet you, too!
Esse é o meu melhor amigo! This is my best friend
Prazer em conhecê-lo. How do you do?
Como ele se chama? What’s his name?
Você fala Português? Do you speak Portuguese?
Só um pouquinho. Just a little bit.
Estou aprendendo. I’m learning.
Eu entendo mais do que falo. I understand more than I speak.
Estou começando a aprender... I’ve just started to learn it...